
16 November 2016

Conference Poster: ¨Dynamics of Hybridity - the SADC Regional Peacekeeping Training Centre¨at Þjóðarspegillinn 2016

Anne Flaspöler, postdoctoral researcher at the EDDA Centre and UNU-GEST, presented her initial findings of her field research at the Social Sciences’ Conference organised by the Social Science Research Institute (SSRI) of the University of Iceland on the 28th October 2016.
28 October 2016

Gendered value chain analysis as a research methodology: small scale fisheries by lake Tanganyika

A conference session on gendered dimensions and gender roles at the Þjóðarspegill conference held at the University of Iceland 28 October includes a talk presented by UNU-GEST on gendered value chain analysis as a research methodology within the social sciences and as an applied tool for informing development interventions.
28 October 2016

"Playing the Gender Card": gendered dimensions within the rural water supply sector in Namibia

Erla Hlín Hjálmarsdóttir, UNU-GEST Head of Research presents a paper on the gendered dimensions within the rural water supply sector in Namibia at Þjóðarspegillinn conference 28 October
Laura will be presenting her research in a poster presentation in the Social Sciences' Conference at the University of Iceland this year.
18 October 2016

UNU-GEST Project Assistant Laura Malinauskaite to present her research on gendered impacts of climate policy at the Conference of Social Sciences

Laura Malinauskaite, a project assistant at UNU-GEST will be presenting her masters’ research at the Social Sciences’ Conference organized by the Social Science Research Institute (SSRI) of the University of Iceland next week.
10 October 2016

United Nations Secretary General, Mr. Ban Ki-Moon visits Iceland

The staff of the UNU-GEST programme met with the United Nations Secretary General, Mr. Ban Ki-Moon, in Iceland on Saturday 8th October. UNU-GEST Director, Dr. Irma Erlingsdóttir, underlined the emphasis of gender equality issues as an essential part of the sustainable development agenda and as a precondition for its successful implementation and social justice in general.
5 October 2016

UNU-GEST Senior Researcher Pétur Waldorff presents his research in an article and an exhibition piece

UNU-GEST Senior Researcher Pétur Waldorff presented his urban research in Angola in an article published in the Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography and an exhibition piece at the 2016 Oslo Architecture Triennale.