
4 June 2010

Short Course V on Exploration for Geothermal Resources to be held in Kenya

United Nations University Geothermal Training Programme (UNU-GTP) in Iceland and Geothermal Development Company (GDC), and Kenya Electricity Generating Company, Ltd. (KenGen) will be hosting “Short Course V on Exploration for Geothermal Resources”, to be held at Lake Bogoria and Lake Naivasha, Kenya, 29 October – 19 November, 2010.  Invitations for nominations will be sent out in late June.  For preliminary programme see here.
Chief fisheries officers with some of the organizers and teachers
21 May 2010

Successful leadership course in Belize

A five days course on Leadership in fisheries was held in Belize for Chief Fisheries Officers in the Caribbean in April 25-30, 2010.
6 May 2010

32nd annual session of UNU-GTP

The 32nd annual session of the UNU-GTP opened on  May 6, 2010. This year a record number of 28 UNU Fellows participate in the six month specialized courses. They come from China 3, Comoros 1, Costa Rica 1, Djibouti 1, Dominica 1, El Salvador 2, Eritrea 1, Ethiopia 1, Indonesia 3, Kenya 8, Mongolia 1, Nevis 1, Nicarauga 2. Rwanda 1, and Yemen 1. They will be trained in: Chemistry of Thermal Fluids 5, Reservoir Engineering 5, Borehole Geology 4, Environmental Science 4, Geothermal Utilization 4, Geophysical Exploration 3, and Drilling Technology 3, and Reservoir engineering 3.
LRT fellows in 2009
20 April 2010

2010 UNU-LRT fellows are on their way to Iceland

The fellows of the 2010 UNU-LRT programme are on their way to Iceland.  They will be the first fellows since the LRT programme was recognized as a fully fledged UNU programme in February this year.  The fellows this year come from Ethiopia, Namibia, Niger, Mongolia and Kirgizstan.  They will attend the six month training here in Iceland until October.
19 April 2010

MSc defence by three UNU-GTP Fellows

During the second week of April, three UNU-GTP MSc Fellows defended their MSc thesis at the University of Iceland. 
30 March 2010

MSc defence by Manuel Rivera

UNU-GTP MSc Fellow Manuel Rivera from El Salvador defended his thesis entitled "Coupled geothermal reservoir-wellbore simulation with a case study for the Námafjall field, N-Iceland" on Friday March 26. The defence was held at Orkugardur were the office of UNU-GTP is located. Supervisors on the project were Dr. Gudni Axelsson and Dr. Halldór Pálsson. Dr. Andri Arnaldsson was the external examinor.