
The fellows in 2009 and the chairman of the UNU-FTP board Mr. Johann Sigurjonsson, with the minister of fisheries and agrculture Mr. Jon Bjarnason
10 March 2010

12. graduation of the UNU-FTP

On March 9 18 fellows (eight women and 10 men) from 14 countries successfully finished the UNU-FTP. Mr. Jon Bjarnason, the minister of fisheries and agriculture, gave a speech at the ceremony and handed out the certificates.
Toshpulat Rajabov (in the front) studying a grass species during a fieldtrip in Iceland 2009
5 March 2010

Former LRT fellow from Uzbekistan participates in UNDP projects

Toshpulat Rajabov from Uzbekistan was a LRT fellow in 2009. Since attending LRT, he has been invited to participate in two United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) projects in Uzbekistan. One of the projects concerns restoration models of desert ecosystems of degraded rangelands in Surkhandarya district, Uzbekistan. The other project is about conserving biodiversity and restoring ecosystems of the Kyzylkum desert. Toshpulat´s task is for example to assess vegetation states and to create GIS maps of vegetation associations.
Erlindo with Thráinn and Stefán
2 March 2010

MSc defence by Erlindo Angcoy

UNU-GTP MSc Fellow Erlindo Angcoy, from the Philippines, defended his thesis entitled “Geochemical modelling of the high-temperature Mahanagdong geothermal field, Philippines” Tuesday, February 23, 2010. The defence was held at the University of Iceland, Askja, room 132. Supervisor on the project was Stefán Arnórsson and Andri Stefánsson was also in the MS committee. Thráinn Fridriksson was the external examinator.
Emily Mutota
26 February 2010

Project work of a 2008 LRT fellow generates attention

Emily Mutota from Namibia, a LRT fellow from the 2008 programme, did an individual project on the Feasibility for an International Year of Landcare during her study at LRT.  Her LRT project has generated international attention and she has had the opportunity to present her project and issues related to it at three international conferences last year.  Furthermore, Emily Mutota has been invited by the Landcare International committee to present her LRT project at the Australian Landcare National Forum in Adelaide Australia next month.
Signing the agreement at the Icelandic MFA on February 17th, 2010: Sveinn Runolfsson, director of the SCSI, Hafdis Hanna Ægisdottir, UNU-LRT director, and Agust Sigurdsson, AUI rector
18 February 2010

LRT recognised as United Nations University Training Programme

The Land Restoration Training Programme has reached a very important milestone. The agreement of cooperation between the United Nations University, the Government of Iceland, the Soil Conservation Service of Iceland (SCSI), and the Agricultural University of Iceland (AUI) has now been signed by all parties. From now on the programme will be known as the United Nations University – Land Restoration Training Programme (UNU-LRT). Please note that the programme‘s homepage is now under the URL although the old URL will also be active.
9 February 2010

MSc theses 2009 available for download

MSc theses by UNU-GTP/UI graduates of 2009, Tesha, Roy Bandoro Swandaru, Mulugeta Asaye Adale and Roberto Renderos, are now available for download.