
The GET fellows Latifa Hamidi and Hafiz Noori with the GET Project Manager, Annadís, and Hafdís Hanna the LRT Project Manager.
16 December 2009

Visit from the Gender Equality Training Programme

LRT was visited on December 11th by two fellows of the Gender Equality Training (GET) Programme and its Project Manager, Dr. Annadís Gréta Rúdólfsdóttir.  The fellows of the GET programme are Latifa Hamidi and Hafiz Noori, both from Afghanistan. The LRT is very pleased with being able to share its experience with the GET programme and to meet with their first fellows.
10 December 2009

LRT Workshop

A workshop to review and enhance the curriculum of the Land Restoration Training Programme was held at the Agricultural University of Iceland on December 4th and 5th.  Around 25 people attended the workshop and shared their experiences of the LRT programme and participated in fruitful discussions on how to enhance the current programme.  Many good ideas germinated during the workshop and will be developed further and built into the programme.  Ingrid Gevers from Wageningen International in the Netherlands facilitated the workshop and assisted with curriculum development.  
Wang Tao (in the middle) with her friends and colleagues from Dalian Fisheries University; XiaoJie Nie (left - fellow 2006 and a PhD student at the Univ. of Iceland) and Pan Lanlan (fellow 2009 - right)
8 December 2009

Dr. Wang Tao, the first UNU fellow to finish PhD studies in Iceland

Today, December 8 , Mrs. Wang Tao from China and a UNU Fellow in 2005 defended successfully her PhD dissertation in Food Science from the Faculty of Food Science and Nutrition, School of Health Sciences, University of Iceland.
4 December 2009

New website

Welcome to the new LRT website!  Here you can get an overview of the programme, its objectives, its history, the fellows that have attended the programme, and more.  You can find specific information about admission to the programme, how fellows are selected and from what countries.  Individual projects of each fellow are also accessible here.  The latest news will be posted here to keep you informed about our work.
The Estonian delegation with staff of the UNU-FTP. Hannes Ulmas is third from left
30 October 2009

A former UNU fellow in a delegation visiting Iceland

In October 23-27 the UNU-FTP was visited by an Estonian delegation studying fisheries management in Iceland.
26 October 2009

The specialty courses start

The introductory course ended with a very successful two week trip to Akureyri. As of from Monday, October 26, the specialty courses of the UNU-FTP will start.