
Reza presenting his dissertation
10 September 2010

Reza Shaviklo (fellow 2006) defends his PhD dissertation

On Friday, September 10, Gholam Reza Shaviklo successfully defended his PhD dissertation at the University of Iceland, faculty of food science and nutrition.
3 September 2010

New Filestorage system for former fellows

A new system, a filestorage system, has been introduced on the UNU-FTP web page where former fellows can monitor changes and new material in the training programme.
1 September 2010

Geothermal training in Iceland 2009

The UNU-GTP yearbook "Geothermal training in Iceland 2009" has been released and sent out to former UNU-GTP Fellows, supervisors, scientific institutions and libraries. If, for some reason, the book should not reach any of the former Fellows, please be in contact with current contact informations and we will send out another copy.  Others who do not receive a book automatically but are interested in a free copy should also be in contact at with informations of mailing address. All papers in the book will be available for download on-line under publications.
20 August 2010

Annual Visiting Lecturer at the UNU-GTP 2010

This year, the annual UNU Visiting Lecturer is Dr. Roland Horne, professor in reservoir engineering at Stanford University in California. One of the most renowned of geothermal specialists in the world. Roland Horne will give a series of lectures on "Reservoir engineering and well testing" from Monday the 30th of August to Friday the 3rd of September.
16 August 2010

Short Course on Geothermal Drilling, Resource Development and Power Plants in El Salvador

United Nations University Geothermal Training Programme (UNU-GTP) in Iceland and La Geo S.A. de C.V. (LaGeo) in El Salvador will be hosting a “Short Course on Geothermal Drilling, Resource Development and Power Plants”, to be held in El Salvador, 16.-22. January, 2011.  The course is tentatively planned as a one week course with lectures and exercises.  Invitations for nomination of candidates will be sent out in early September.  For preliminary information and programme see here.
23 July 2010

New UNU-GTP homepage

The UNU-GTP is launching its new website these days. Bear with us as text and links might be missing during the final construction phase. Please do not hesitate to comment if you feel that something is urgently missing. Enjoy our new site!