MSc defence by Huang Jiachao

14 May 2012

On Tuesday the 15th of May at 14:00 in room 131 in Askja at the University of Iceland, Huang Jiachao will defend his MSc thesis, titled: "Assessment and management of sedimentary geothermal resources". 

Jiachao's supervisor is Guðni Axelsson, head of geophysics and reservoir physics at ISOR (Iceland GeoSurvey). 
The external examiner is Páll Jónsson physicist at ISOR. 


Low-temperature (<150°C) sedimentary geothermal resources are widespread in the continental regions of the Earth‘s crust. They are quite different in nature from the better known geothermal resources associated with volcanic systems or tectonically active regions of the crust. Their management during long-term utilization also requires somewhat different emphasis than that of the conventional geothermal resources, partly because of their extreme size and their often limited natural recharge. Good examples of sedimentary resources, which have been utilized heavily for direct applications, can be found in France, Hungary and China. The work presented here reviews the utilization status of sedimentary resources today as well as using data from two sedimentary geothermal systems in China as basis for a resource assessment of the respective systems. These are the Xianyang system, with a sandstone reservoir, which lies in the Wei River Basin in the centre of China and the Xiongxian system, with a carbonate rock reservoir, which lies in the North China Basin, about 110 km from Beijing. The assessments, which include lumped parameter pressure response modelling and volumetric calculations, reveal quite contrasting nature of the two systems, in terms of permeability and natural recharge. Recommendations on the management of sedimentary geothermal resources in China, based on experience gathered in China and on mainland Europe, as well as on the results of the assessments of the work presented, are also provided. The most important ones relate to common management, enhanced monitoring and reinjection.