
25 May 2009

Short Course IV on Exploration for Geothermal Resources to be held in Kenya

United Nations University Geothermal Training Programme (UNU-GTP) in Iceland and Kenya Electricity Generating Company, Ltd. (KenGen) will be hosting “Short Course IV on Exploration for Geothermal Resources”, to be held at Lake Bogoria Hotel and Lake Naivasha Simba Lodge, Kenya, 1-22 November, 2009. Announcement
14 May 2009

MSc defence by Tesha

UNU-GTP MSc student Tesha, from Indonesia, defended his MSc thesis etitled "Absorption refrigeration system as an integrated condenser cooling unit in geothermal power plant", on Friday May 8, 2009. The defence was held in VR-II, at the University of Iceland. The supervisors on the MSc project were Páll Valdimarsson and Thrándur Sigurjón Ólafsson, and the external examiner at the defence was Halldór Pálsson.
14 May 2009

MSc defence by Roy Bandoro Swandaru

UNU-GTP MSc student Roy Bandoro Swandaru, from Indonesia, defended his MSc thesis etitled "Modeling and optimization of possible bottoming units for general single flash geothermal power plants", Thursday May 14, 2009. The defence was held at the University of Iceland, in VR-II. The supervisors on the MSc project were Halldór Pálsson and Tómas Philip Rúnarsson, and the external examiner at the defence was Páll Valdimarsson.
4 May 2009

Dr. Tumi Tómasson returns from Sri Lanka

On July 1st Dr. Tumi Tomasson returns to the UNU-FTP as the programme director after spending 15 months as ICEIDA country director in Sri Lanka.  Mr. Thor Asgeirsson who has served as the programme director in the absence of Dr. Tomasson will return to his former post as Tumi's deputy.    
28 April 2009

Cooperation with the Arab Academy for Science Technology and Maritime Transport

Mr. Asgeirsson is now visiting Egypt for the first time and has he visited GAFRAD in Cairo and the Arab Academy which is run by the Arab League and is meant to train students from the Arab countries in Maritimes affairs. The Academy is establishing a new faculty/college on fisheries with emphasis on processing and aquaculture and has sought assistance from the UNU-FTP in developing the new faculty. Mr. Asgeirsson will return to Iceland on May 1st        
27 April 2009

The Kenya Short Course CD, 2008, is ready

The CD with papers and presentations from "Short Course III on Exploration for Geothermal resources" organized by UNU-GTP and KenGen in Naivasha, Kenya, 24 October - 17 Novemer 2008, is finally ready and will be mailed out to participants in the Short Course during this week. Other parties interested in a copy of the CD should send a request by e-mail to