
At Sagnagardur in Gunnarsholt
31 March 2014

UNU-LRT programme 2014 has started

About three weeks ago, the annual UNU-LRT six-month training programme started with 12 fellows, seven men and five women. The fellows this year come from six different countries in Central-Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa. The countries are: Ethiopia (2 fellows), Ghana (3), Mongolia (2), Niger (2), Uganda (2) and Uzbekistan (1).
25 March 2014

A Malaysian delegation visits UNU-FTP

A delegation from the Malaysian Fisheries Development Authorities and the private sector in Malaysia visited Iceland and the UNU-FTP on March 23-28.
UNU-FTP fellows 2013/4
25 March 2014

Congratulations to the 2013/14 UNU-FTP Fellows!

On the 24th of March, 22 UNU-FTP fellows graduated from the six-month training in Iceland. After six intense months of rigorous, hard work in the cool dark north, all the fellows completed the training and presented their final projects with success.
6 March 2014

Keynote from UNU-LRT at a panel discussion on land degradation in New York

The Programme Director of UNU-LRT, Dr Hafdis Hanna Aegisdottir, was the key-note speaker at a panel discussion organized by the Permanent Mission of Iceland and the Group of Friends on Decertification, Land Degradation and Drought, in partnership with UNCCD, FAO and IAEA, in New York on 28 February.
Mr Salifu Wahabu
24 February 2014

Former UNU-LRT fellow completes a Master´s degree in Ghana

Mr Salifu Wahabu, a former fellow of UNU-LRT from 2013, defended his Master´s thesis earlier this month in his home country. The title of his thesis was: “Impact of Charcoal Production on Soil Properties and Vegetation in the Central Gonja District of the Northern Region, Ghana”. He has now graduated with an M.Phil. in Environmental Science from the University of Ghana, Legon in Accra.
17 February 2014

UNU-FTP holds workshop with the CRFM and UNU-INWEH

Last week, the UNU-FTP hosted a workshop with representatives from the Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism, (CRFM) and UNU Institute for Water, Environment and Health (UNU-INWEH) in St. Vincent and the Grenadines.