
Mr. Mohamadou Habibou Gabou
19 November 2013

Former fellow from Niger attends international conference in Morogoro, Tanzania

A former UNU-LRT fellow from Niger, Mohamadou Habibou Gabou, attended a conference on Climate Change, Sustainable Intensification and Food Security in Sub-Saharan Africa, held in Morogoro, Tanzania last week or from 13-15 November. There he gave a talk titled Rehabilitation of Degraded Lands: Sustainable Land Management practices commonly used in Niger Republic, West Africa which was well received by the conference participants.
Participants on a field trip to Olkaria
15 November 2013

Short Course VIII on Exploration for Geothermal Resources in Kenya

Short Course VIII on Exploration for Geothermal Resources is currently underway at Lake Naivasha in Kenya. The course is hosted by the UNU-GTP, Geothermal Development Company, Kenya (GDC), and Kenya Electricity and Generating Company, Ltd. (KenGen). The course, which started on October 31 and will last until November 23, is a continuation of the short course series on geothermal exploration that falls within the framework of UNU-GTP Millennium Short Courses that have been conducted annually in Kenya since 2005.
Ingimar G. Haraldsson received the awards on behalf of UNU-GTP
8 November 2013

UNU-GTP receives the Victor de Sola awards in El Salvador

On November 1st, a representative of the UNU-GTP was presented with the Victor de Sola award at an annual awards ceremony held within LaGeo S.A. de C.V. in El Salvador. The award, which is named after one of the pioneers of geothermal exploration in El Salvador, is granted to a person or institution that has given substantial support to geothermal development in El Salvador and especially to those who have contributed to the technical and scientific capabilities of LaGeo.
Discussion groups on soil engineering
7 November 2013

UNU-LRT representatives attend the Global Soil Week 2013

Soils provide essential ecosystem services such as food production and carbon storage. Although soils are managed and owned locally, their degradation is a key global issue, as their ecosystem services transcend national boundaries. Sustainable soil management thus requires a global approach. Like last year, Berlin was the host city of the Global Soil Week, which was held there for the second consecutive year. This multi-stakeholder event took place in the last week of October and gathered over 450 participants from all over the world.
4 November 2013

Application for MSc and PhD Fellowships are now open

The United Nations University Geothermal Training Programme offers former UNU Fellows the opportunity to apply for an MSc or PhD Fellowship. The Fellowship enables successful applicants to study at the University of Iceland or Reykjavík University and covers the full tuition fees and living allowance. In 2014, at least five MSc Fellowships and one PhD Fellowship will be awarded.
1 November 2013

UNU-GTP nominated for the Nordic Council Nature and Environment Prize

The United Nations University Geothermal Training Programme received the honour of being nominated for the Nordic Council Nature and Environment Prize in 2013. The prize is awarded to a Nordic enterprise, organisation or individual, which has managed in an exemplary way to integrate consideration for nature and the environment into their business or work, or which, in some other way, has made an extraordinary effort for nature and the environment.