
UNU-LRT fellows 2013 and the Minister
20 September 2013

Graduation from the 2013 six-month training programme

On 19 September, ten fellows graduated from the UNU-LRT annual six-month training programme. The graduated fellows are from Ethiopia (1), Ghana (1), Mongolia (1), Namibia (1), Niger (2), Kyrgyzstan (2) and Uganda (2), five women and five men. At the graduation ceremony the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr. Gunnar Bragi Sveinsson, addressed the fellows. He emphasized the importance of land restoration and sustainable use of land globally, and acknowledged the important work of UNU-LRT on these pressing issues in developing countries. Moreover, the Minister acknowledged UNU-LRT for its new Gender Equality Policy.
Mohamadou Habibou Gabou presents his project
10 September 2013

UNU-LRT fellows present final projects at an open seminar

This week the UNU-LRT fellows introduced their final projects at an open seminar at the Keldnaholt Campus of the Agricultural University of Iceland. The projects, as well as the oral presentation, are the final output of each fellow in order to graduate from the UNU-LRT programme. The fellows have worked on their projects for several months and have only few days more before turning them in. After that, graduation day awaits.
30 August 2013

UNU-FTP holds course in Quality, Processing, Marketing, in Mombasa, Kenya

The UNU-FTP, in collaboration with the State Department of Fisheries in Kenya, held a training course on Fish quality, processing and marketing for Artisinal fisheries at the Kenya School of Government Matuga 12-17 August 2013.
28 August 2013

UNU-FTP Deputy Director Joins Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism

The UNU-FTP Deputy Director, Thor Asgerisson, has joined the Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM) headquartered in Belize for a sabbatical period from July-December 2013.
Dr. Kevin Brown lecturing on OHS in geothermal development
26 August 2013

Annual Visiting Lecturer at the UNU-GTP 2013

This year, the annual UNU Visiting Lecturer was Dr. Kevin Brown, former associate professor of Geology and Geothermal Energy at the University of Auckland and present adjunct professor in the Geology Department at the University of Canterbury.
From one of the environmental educational classes
9 August 2013

Former fellow from Ghana organizes environmental literacy classes

Fulfilling her dream, former UNU-LRT fellow Esther Ekua Amoako from Ghana, has organized an environmental education in her community. In a letter to the UNU-LRT programme she writes: "I had this passion to do environmental education but did not know exactly how to go about it. The lectures in environmental literacy, restoration, and linking knowledge and action, visioning and strategic development as well as the photos in Sagnagardur (children involved in restoration), gave me a sense of direction. Environmental literacy clubs in three basic schools have been formed and launched. I see this as launching a dream".