UNU-FTP Assistant Director visits Sri Lanka and Bangladesh

9 November 2012
Thor with FTP fellows at NARA in Sri Lanka
Thor with FTP fellows at NARA in Sri Lanka

Thor Asgeirsson, the UNU-FTP Assistant Director, is visiting Sri Lanka and Bangladesh to assess the needs of our partner institutions in the countries and interview potential candidates for the six month training course. In total, UNU-FTP has trained 19 fisheries experts and and many of them are directing and heading different fisheries units here in Sri Lanka.

So far on his visit, Thor has met with the secretary of the Ministry of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources and the Director General of the Department of Fisheries, where he met with several former UNU-FTP fellows. In addition, he visited NARA, which is the research unit of the ministry with seven divisions. At NARA, he met with the Chairman and 9 former fellows that are in charge of many of the NARA divisions. Interviews were conducted with several potential candidates for the 6 month training offered by the UNU-FTP.

When Thor wraps up his trip to Sri Lanka today, he will then head to Bangladesh to learn about the needs of that country and interview more potential fellows. The UNU-FTP looks forward to resuming what we hope is a fruitful collaboration with Bangladesh.