
The short course participants and instructors
10 September 2016

Sustainable Develoment Goal Course held in El Salvador

A “SDG Short Course I on Sustainability and Environmental Management of Geothermal Resource Utilization and the Role of Geothermal in Combatting Climate Change“ was held in El Salvador during September 4-10 in cooperation with LaGeo S.A. de C.V.
7 September 2016

UNU-GEST calls for comments on Iceland’s National Action Plan for the Implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security 2013–2016.

The United Nations University Gender Equality Studies and Training Programme (UNU-GEST) is undertaking an evaluation of Iceland’s National Action Plan for the Implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security 2013–2016.
Fellows and supervisors
6 September 2016

Fellows present research findings in an open seminar

The UNU-LRT fellows reached an important milestone in the six-month training programme this week when they presented the results of their individual research projects in an open seminar at the research campus of the Agricultural University of Iceland. As always, the individual projects spanned a range of topics including: assessment of the impact of cultivation on soil organic carbon; assessment of the impact of tree species on soil fertility in farmers’ fields in Niger; studies on the degradation of rangelands in Kyrgyzstan and Lesotho; and research on the effect of sand mines in Northern Ghana on the livelihood of local people and the ability of authorities to improve the situation with restoration interventions.
Thecla Munanie Mutia
30 August 2016

PhD defence by Thecla Munanie Mutia

On Friday the 9th of September Thecla Munanie Mutia will defend her Ph.D. thesis in Environment and Natural Resources.
30 August 2016

UNU Visiting Lecturer 2016 - Jim Koenig from USA

The UNU Visiting Lecturer in 2016 is the American geologist and geothermal specialist Mr. Jim Koenig.
29 August 2016

Chikondi Manyungwa, 2013 fellow, wins the Rosemary Firth Award at the International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade (IIFET) Conference

The UNU-GEST team would like to congratulate Chikondi Manyungwa for receiving the Rosemary Firth award for best presenter at the International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade (IIFET) Conference.