
22 November 2019

UNU-GTP takes part in the Sino-Icelandic Geothermal Training Program

The Sino-Icelandic Geothermal Training Program is currently under way at the Sinopec Management Institute in Beijing, China.
Dr. Irma Erlingsdóttir, director of UNU-GEST, participated in a panel discussion
22 November 2019

UNU-GEST participated in side events and sessions at the Reykjavík Global Forum: Women Leaders

The international conference “Reykjavík Global Forum: Women Leaders“ took place this week. The UNU-GEST contributed two events related to the Reykjavík Global Forum: a formal session of Leader Talks in Harpa, as the Icelandic operational partner of Nordic Women Mediators in partnership with the and the Icelandic Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Iceland, and at a side event organized by the Vigdís Finnbogadóttir Institute, where Dr. Irma Erlingsdóttir, director of UNU-GEST, participated in a panel on “Women, Leadership and the Sustainability of Languages and Cultures”.
14 November 2019

WGC2020 Fellowships - Preliminary information

Preliminary information regarding the Fellowships for WGC2020.
13 November 2019

MSc or PhD application deadline is 30 November!

We want to remind those Fellows interested in furthering their geothermal knowledge that the deadline is 30 November! Those interested in pursuing a MSc or PhD please apply online through our website on the link below: Each application is valid for 2 years. It is an excellent opportunity for anyone seeking to enhance their future career in the geothermal sector so we want to encourage everyone who meets the criteria to apply.
At the symposium in Managua
8 November 2019

FTP and OSPESCA in a symposium in Nicaragua

On November 7 and 8 the UNU-FTP and OSPESCA are conducting a two day symposium in Nicaragua to assess the status of the fisheries among the Central American countries and identify their needs and priority in fisheries development.
Course participants in the field
7 November 2019

Successful completion of a course in Uganda on sustainable land management, land restoration and linkages to climate change

UNU-LRT ran its third short course on sustainable land management, land restoration and linkages to climate change, in collaboration with the Ugandan partners: the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) and Makerere University. The course took place in Soroti, Eastern Uganda, from 21 to 29 October with 25 participants, six women and 19 men. Read More