
5 February 2020

Cynthia Enloe Awarded an Honorary Doctorate from the University of Iceland

We are honoured to announce that Cynthia Enloe, Research Professor at Clark University, world-renowned feminist scholar, and long-standing lecturer at the GEST Programme, has been awarded an honorary doctorate by the Faculty of Languages and Cultures at the University of Iceland. Prof. Enloe has been an annual lecturer at the GEST Programme since 2010 where she teaches on gender, peace, and security.
Hafdís Hanna Ægisdóttir flytur TEDx fyrirlestur sinn.
4 February 2020

Forstöðumaður Landgræðsluskóla GRÓ flytur TEDx fyrirlestur

Hafdís Hanna Ægisdóttir, doktor í plöntu­vist­fræði og for­stöðu­maður Land­græðslu­skóla GRÓ, flutti nýverið TEDx fyrirlestur þar sem hún ræðir hvers konar forystu er þörf á til að takast á við þær fordæmalausu áskoranir sem loftlagsbreytingar fela í sér.
3 February 2020

LRT Director in a TEDx talk

Recently, the LRT Director gave a TEDx talk on the work and philosophy of the Land Restoration Training Programme. The talk is entitled "Training leaders to restore a planet in crisis". We encourage you to watch the video and hear about LRT and some of our former fellows. The video can be watched here.
31 January 2020

Cynthia Enloe - Honorary Doctorate at the University of Iceland

Cynthia Enloe, Research Professor at Clark University, world-renowned feminist scholar, and long-standing lecturer at the GEST programme, will be rewarded an honorary doctorate by the Faculty of Languages and Cultures at the University of Iceland on 4 February 2020 at 16:00. The ceremony will take place in the Aula, Aðalbygging, at the University of Iceland. All are welcome!
24 January 2020

GRÓ GEST: 13th Cohort Settles In

The first weeks of the GEST programme operating as a part of GRÓ – Centre for Capacity Development, Sustainability and Societal Change, have been busy as the GEST programme welcomes its first GRÓ GEST cohort, and the 13th GEST cohort from the programme‘s inception in 2009. This year, the group consists of 21 fellows and for the first time, fellows have arrived from Russia, Cameroon, and Sri Lanka.
23 January 2020

First lecture in the joint GEST & RIKK lecture series spring term 2020

Ole Martin Sandberg is the first lecturer of the RIKK and GEST Lecture Series for Spring 2020 with a lecture entitled “Climate Crisis and “the Logic of Masculinist Protection.”” The lecture will be held today, Thursday 23 January, from 12:00-13:00, at the Lecture Hall of the National Museum.