
30 August 2019

New learning platform on landscape restoration

We would like to invite you to explore a new learning platform on the internet: The platform is an online space for practitioners, policy makers, academics, environmental and business professionals to meet each other, share knowledge and learn about landscape restoration.
29 August 2019

MSc defence by Diego Badilla

Diego Alberto Badilla Elizondo, MSc Fellow in Geophysics at University of Iceland will defend his MSc project on Wednesday 4 September, 2019 at 15:00 at University of Iceland, room will be announced later on.
26 August 2019

UNU Visiting Lecturer 2019 - Alper Baba from Turkey

The UNU Visiting Lecturer in 2019 is the hydrogeologist and environmental scientist Prof. Dr. Alper Baba from Izmir, Turkey.
14 August 2019

GEST alumni Chikondi Manyungwa awarded a GEST Ph.D. grant

GEST has awarded Chikondi Manyungwa a Ph.D. grant for her research project on the participation of women in the fish value chain and the value chain governance in Malawi, focusing on the villages Msaka by Lake Malawi and Kachulu by Lake Chilwa.
14 August 2019

Position of Director of UNU-GTP open for application

At the end of 2019, the current director Lúðvík Georgsson, is leaving his position as per the Government law of retirement age. Orkustofnun therefore advertises the position of a new Director of UNU-GTP, open for application.
Thor Heiðar Ásgeirsson the new director.
2 August 2019

New director at UNU-FTP

Thor Heiðar Ásgeirsson is the new director of FTP. He formally took over the responsibility on August 1st from Tumi Tómasson, who has been director since the foundation of the programme in 1998.