
17 January 2020

Launch of the GEST Podcast

The GEST Podcast has now been launched. Every week during this semester, we speak to one of the GEST fellows about their lives, aspirations or what they‘re up to in Iceland. Or we speak to one of the many international experts, who contribute to the programme. This week we speak to Allen Asiimwe from Uganda about revenge pornography.
Undirritun: Guðlaugur Þór Þórðarson utanríkisráðherra og Audrey Azoulay, aðalframkvæmdastjóri
UNESCO, sem er menningarmálastofnun Sameinuðu þjóðanna í París, leiddu mál til lykta. Ljós­mynd/​UNESCO-Christelle ALIX
15 January 2020

Eykur lífsgæði í þróunarríkjum

Grein um GRÓ - þekkingarmiðstöð þróunarsamvinnu sem birtist í Morgunblaðinu 11. janúar 2020.
10 January 2020

A Ph.D. Research Position: Sustainability and Gender Equality in Sub-Saharan Africa

The GEST programme at the University of Iceland offers, in collaboration with Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda, a Ph.D grant to a researcher in the Humanities and/or Social Sciences.
3 January 2020

WGC2020 Fellowships

Next week, an email with information on the amount of individual Fellowships will be sent to those Fellows who applied for the WGC2020 Fellowship and were deemed eligible.
2 January 2020

On the 1st of January 2020, LRT joined hands with UNESCO

After many years of fruitful collaboration, the United Nations University and the Land Restoration Training Programme are parting ways, along with the other three Training Programmes in Iceland on fisheries, gender equality and geothermal energy. As of 1 January 2020, the four Programmes are a part of the new UNESCO category 2 centre GRÓ - Centre for Capacity Development, Sustainability and Societal Change.
2019 FTP fellows on a site visit in Grindavik, Reykjanes peninsula
30 December 2019

Season's Greetings from staff and fellows

At times of changes the staff and fellows of the Fisheries Training Programme in Iceland send you best wishes for the festive season and a happy new year.