
26 September 2012

The President of Iceland and UK‘s former Foreign- and Environment Secretary visit the UNU-GTP

The UNU-GTP was honored by the visit of the President of Iceland, Dr. Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson, and former Foreign Secretary and Environment Secretary of the United Kingdom, Mr. David Miliband, on September 26. Mr. Miliband had delivered a lecture on The Future of Europe – Economics, Politics and Identity at the University of Iceland earlier in the day at the invitation of the President. Dr. Ingvar B. Fridleifsson, Director of the UNU-GTP, and Dr. Tumi Tómasson, Director of the UNU-FTP presented an overview of the operations of the two UNU programmes to the guests of honor during their hour long stop at the UNU-GTP.
26 September 2012

UNU-FTP Director Attends Celebratory Conference at Dalian Ocean University

Last week, Dr. Tumi Tomasson, Director of the United Nations University Training Programme paid a visit to Dalian Ocean University for a celebration of the University's 60th anniversary and the World Conference on the Oceans.
Van Minh Nguyen (Vietnam, UNU-FTP)
26 September 2012

United Nations Association of Iceland Celebrates the UNU

The United Nations Association of Iceland hosted a seminar last Friday (September 21, 2012) on the topic of Sustainable Education and how the concept is being applied in Iceland, specifically through the United Nations University Training Programmes offered here. Van Minh Nguyen from Vietnam a former fellow and scholarship recipient spoke on behalf of the UNU-FTP.
24 September 2012

UNU-FTP Fellows visit the Snæfellsness Penninsula

Last Thursday, the UNU-FTP Fellows took a wonderful trip to visit companies working in the fishing industry on the Snæfellsness Peninsula of Iceland. The busy day was full of learning and adventure!
Gantuya Jargalsaikhan from Mongolia.
20 September 2012

Fellows in the 2012 training programme present their individual projects

Today the fellows in this year’s six-month training course presented their individual project work in an open seminar at the Agricultural University of Iceland.
20 September 2012

Seminar on education for sustainable development

On Friday the 21st of September 2012 at 15:00-17:00 at the University of Iceland, Askja building, all the UNU Iceland Programmes and the GEST Programme will participate in a public seminar on education for sustainable development in cooperation with the United Nations Association in Iceland (UNA Iceland).