
13 June 2012

UNU-FTP and Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism hold short course

The United Nations University Fisheries Training Programme in collaboration with the Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM) held a short course on Project Cycle Management last week in the Caribbean nation of Saint Lucia.
The group of UNU-LRT fellows at the workshop.
12 June 2012

Soils, Governance and Society Workshop

An interdisciplinary workshop on Soils, Governance and Society was held in Iceland last week.
7 June 2012

The Fellows' reports from 2011 are now on the website

The Fellows' reports from the six month specialized training in 2011 are now on-line on the UNU-GTP website under publications. The release of the UNU-GTP yearbook "Geothermal Training in Iceland 2011" is expected to be later this month.
7 June 2012

Former UNU-FTP fellow completes MSc studies at the University of Akureyri

We are very pleased to announce that Murad Mufty, a UNU-FTP fellow in the 2008 cohort, has just completed his graduate studies at the University of Akureyri.
6 June 2012

Kenyan PS for Fisheries Development visits Iceland

The UNU-FTP was honored recently to play host to the Kenyan Permanent Secretary for Fisheries Development on a trip to Iceland.
14 May 2012

MSc defence by Huang Jiachao

On Tuesday the 15th of May at 14:00 in room 131 in Askja at the University of Iceland, Huang Jiachao will defend his MSc thesis, titled: "Assessment and management of sedimentary geothermal resources". Jiachao's supervisor is Guðni Axelsson, head of geophysics and reservoir physics at ISOR (Iceland GeoSurvey). The external examiner is Páll Jónsson physicist at ISOR.