Short Course on Geothermal Exploration in Mexico

8 December 2014
Participants, lecturers and organizers at Los Azufres
Participants, lecturers and organizers at Los Azufres

The UNU-GTP held a Short Course on Geothermal Exploration in Mexico during November 24-29 in cooperation with the Mexican Centre of Innovation in Geothermal Energy (CeMIEGeo), which also financed the course. 

The short course gave an overview of geological, geochemical and geophysical geothermal exploration, as well as introducing conceptual modelling of geothermal systems and environmental impacts of geothermal utilization.  The course took place at the Los Azufres geothermal field and was attended by 42 participants from Comisión Federal de Elecricidad (CFE), the National Authonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and other Mexican universities and institutions.  Three experts from ÍSOR – Iceland GeoSurvey were responsible for most of the lecturing, but experts from CFE also took part in lecturing and practical instruction.