
Applying methods learned in class
19 June 2013

International guest lecturer Dr. Jeffrey Herrick

Last week Dr. Jeffrey Herrick, research soil scientist from the Jornada Research Unit, USDA-ARS, New Mexico, USA, held a short course on evaluation of restoration outcome for the UNU-LRT fellows. Moreover, specialists from the Agricultural University of Iceland and the Soil Conservation Service of Iceland attended the course. Dr. Herrick’s teaching included designing and establishing monitoring and evaluation system, and gathering and managing information. Furthermore, he taught about the importance of land potential when creating restoration and management plans.
18 June 2013

Short course VIII to be held in Kenya in Oct. and Nov. 2013

United Nations University Geothermal Training Programme (UNU-GTP) in Iceland, Geothermal Development Company, Kenya (GDC) and Kenya Electricity Generating Company, Ltd. (KenGen) will be hosting“Short Course VIII on Exploration for Geothermal Resources”, to be held at Lake Bogoria Hotel and at Sopa Lodge, Naivasha, Kenya, October 31 – November 22, 2013.
4 June 2013

UNU-FTP and Nha Trang University, Vietnam sign MoU

The United Nations University it pleased to announce that it has signed an MoU with NhaTrang University in Vietnam.
Ms. Wellencia Clara Mukaru
31 May 2013

International Conference on Soil Carbon Sequestration in Reykjavik

The International Conference on Soil Carbon Sequestration for Climate, Food Security and Ecosystem Services held in Reykjavik 27-29 May, was a great success according to the UNU-LRT fellows who all attended the conference. The conference participants came from impressingly many countries from all over the world. The UNU-LRT fellows had a presentation in the conference‘s plenary session on the first day of the conference titled: Soil carbon and the quest for land quality – Experiences from Africa and Asia. Ms. Wellencia Clara Mukaru gave the presentation on behalf of the eleven fellows.
29 May 2013

Home countries seminar

The annual seminar on the status of geothermal development in the home countries of the UNU Fellows will be held on Thursday 30 May 2013 at Orkustofnun. The seminar starts at 09.00 and is open to all intertested parties.
Dr. Richard Thomas
29 May 2013

Guest lecturer from UNU-INWEH

UNU-LRT had a guest lecturer last week when Dr. Richard Thomas, from the UNU Institute for Water, Environment & Health (UNU-INWEH) in Canada, gave the UNU-LRT fellows lectures on management of dryland resources. Dr. Thomas has worked for UNU-INWEH for almost 5 years where he is the Assistant Director for the Dryland Ecosystems Programme.