UNU-GEST graduates present their final assignments

15 May 2015

UNU-GEST graduates will present their final assignments in an open seminar at the University of Iceland in Askja, room 132 on May 19th from 9:00 to 12:00. These are either project proposals aimed at increasing equality for women and girls in fellow´s home-countries or essays focusing on various aspects of gender equality. The event is divided into two sessions, the former is entitled Social Equality and the latter Gender-Based Violence. The presentations will be in English and an Icelandic sign language interpreter will be present.

Session starts at 9:00
Martha Eveness Mkutumula – Mteje, Malawi: Women’s Representation and Participation in Decisions Making Position: The Case of Malawi Public Service
Victor Kondwani Maulidi, Malawi: Women in National Politics and Their Representation in Parliament: Critical Barriers in Malawi
Nadia Shokeh, Palestine: Gender-responsive Strategies for Enhancing School Staff Capacity: A Pilot Project for Nine Co-educational UNRWA Schools in West Bank, Palestine
Lusungu Zinzile Kayira, Malawi: Social Work in Malawi: Career Development for Female Youth
Zélia Duda Francisco Dos Santos, Mozambique: SignWiki Mozambique: Improving Access to Mozambique Sign Language

Session starts at 10:30
Ivan Diolcésio Titosse, Mozambique: Masculinity and Community: Mitigating Domestic Violence Against Women in Matola through Men’s Education and Community Involvement using Gender Transformative Approach
Limbani Zaleyo Phiri, Malawi: Engaging Men in Combating and Reducing Gender Based Violence: Upscaling and Developing “Men for Gender Equality Now” Initiatives in Chitipa District
Nkumbi Willy, Uganda: Access to Justice, Rehabilitation and Support of Gender Based Violence Survivors in Kalangala district, Uganda
Shaista Serena C.J. De Araújo, Mozambique: Violence Against Women and Girls in Public Spaces in Maputo City: The Case of the Luis Cabral Neighborhood
Tony H. Bero, Palestine: Strengthening GBV Preparedness and Prevention in Emergency Situations in Seven UNRWA Refugee Camps in the North Area of West Bank, Palestine