
21 July 2022

SDG Short Course IV to be held in El Salvador, 18-24 September, 2022

SDG Short Course IV on the Future of Geothermal Energy in Latin America and the Caribbean.
13 July 2022

Summer Holidays Closure

The GRÓ GEST office will close for summer holidays from 15th July, reopening on 2nd August 2022.
Part of the Icelandic delegation at the 2022 UN Ocean Conference
6 July 2022

UN Ocean Conference

GRÓ-FTP’s staff were among thousands of other participants attending the 2nd UN Ocean Conference, this time co-hosted by Kenya and Portugal in Lisbon June 27th to July 1st.
From left: Jón Geir Pétursson, Assistant Professor at the University of Iceland, Dr. Sarah Ssali, Dean of the School of Women and Gender Studies at Makerere, Dr. Irma Erlingsdóttir, Director of GRÓ GEST and Professor at the University of Iceland, Anna Guðrún Aradóttir, Project Manager at GRÓ GEST, Stella Tereka, GRÓ GEST PhD fellow at the University of Iceland, in collaboration with Makerere University.
1 July 2022

GRÓ GEST participated in a seminar in Makerere University

On 10 June representatives from GRÓ GEST participated in a seminar at Makerere University facilitated by the Dean of the School of Gender and Women Studies at Makerere. The seminar was organized in two sessions, one on gender and climate change and the other on the Icelandic women’s movement and gender equality in Iceland, in a global perspective.
Dr Edward Yeboah, Acting Director of CSIR-SRI and Ms Berglind Orradottir, Deputy Director of GRÓ LRT.
1 July 2022

GRÓ LRT visit to partner institutions in Ghana

Last week, the Deputy Director of GRÓ LRT, Ms Berglind Orradóttir, visited GRÓ LRT’s partner institutions in Ghana: Environmental Protection Agency Ghana, both the Head Office in Accra and the Regional Office in Tamale; the CSIR-Soil Research Institute in Kumasi; and the CSIR-Savanna Agricultural Research Institute and the University for Development Studies, both in Tamale. The purpose of the visit was to meet the directors of the four institutions and interview potential candidates for GRÓ LRT Fellowship to attend our annual six-month training in Iceland. And as always in GRÓ LRT’s visits to partner countries, the Deputy Director also met with GRÓ LRT alumni in Ghana, but 24 specialists from the four institutions have completed GRÓ LRT training in Iceland.
27 June 2022

GRÓ Annual Report 2020-2021

The Annual Report for the first two years of GRÓ‘s activity, 2020-2021, is now available online. GRÓ ̶ The International Centre for Capacity Development, Sustainable Use of Natural Resources and Societal Change was established on 1 January 2020 and operates under the auspices of UNESCO as a Category 2 Centre in Iceland. The Centre operates under its own legal identity and is guided and overseen by a Governing Board, appointed by the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Iceland, and set up as a unit within the Ministry.