
1 September 2022

Sustainable Development Goals Partnership Fund open for applications

The Sustainable Development Goals Partnership Fund of the Icelandic Ministry for Foreign Affairs is open for applications until 3 October, 2022.
GTP fellows on a site visit to the eruption site
29 August 2022

PhD fellows measure gas emission from the Reykjanes eruption

On 3rd of August an eruption started on the same site as last year.
23 August 2022

New FREE online course

You can now enroll in 'Gender, Violence and Post-Conflict States' on edX
18 August 2022

GRÓ-FTP scholarship recipient Alvin Slewion Jueseah to defend PhD

Thursday August 18th GRÓ-FTP scholarship recipient, Alvin Slewion Jueseah, will defend his PhD research Economic Analysis of the Coastal Fisheries of Liberia.
The fellows in Framengjar wetlands with their guide, Þorlákur P. Jónsson from SCSI.
17 August 2022

GRÓ LRT fellows on field excursion to North Iceland

Last week, the GRÓ LRT fellows went on a four-day excursion to Northern Iceland where they visited restoration sites and learned about how land conditions have been improved with innovative approaches by individuals, NGOs, as well as national agencies such as the Soil Conservation Service of Iceland.
2 August 2022

GRÓ-FTP's strong presence at IIFET 2022 in Galicia, Spain

The GRÓ-FTP was pleased to once again partner with the International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade (IIFET) to support the participation of former FTP fellows to present at their biannual conference, this time held in Vigo, Spain.