
Claudia Pamela Chavarría Machado is Research and Development Coordinator with INCIDE Social in Mexico City, and GEST alumna of 2021
8 September 2022

2022 March 8 Fund project grant awarded

Claudia Pamela Chavarria Machado receives grant to fight intimate partner violence
Panelists and lecturers
8 September 2022

GTP launches its third Online Course on Geothermal Energy

The course series "Online Course on Geothermal Energy" is aimed at decision makers in our cooperation countries in an effort to increase their interests in developing their geothermal resources, and present to them all the possibilities geothermal energy has to offer.
Dul Baatar from ALAMGC in Mongolia
7 September 2022

GRÓ LRT fellows present project results

As this year’s six-month programme draws to an end, the GRÓ LRT fellows presented the results of their final projects in an open seminar at Keldnaholt campus of the Agricultural University of Iceland. The fellows have been working on their projects over the last months under the supervision of specialists from institutes and organizations in Iceland.
From left: Jón Geir Pétursson, Stella Tereka, Irma Erlingsdóttir
6 September 2022

GRÓ GEST PhD fellow arrives to Iceland

GRÓ GEST had the pleasure of welcoming PhD fellow, Stella Tereka, to Iceland last Friday. Stella, GEST alumna of 2016, was among the first fellows to receive a full scholarship from GRÓ GEST for her PhD Studies at the University of Iceland. Stella’s PhD position is a collaboration between the GRÓ GEST programme at the University of Iceland and Makerere University, Uganda, where the PhD committee includes experts from both institutions.
5 September 2022

GRÓ particpated in the UNESCO day in Iceland

GRÓ participated in the UNESCO day organised by the Icelandic National Commission for UNESCO on the 1st of September, where all UNESCO associated entities in Iceland gathered to get to know one another, learn about each other’s activities and share ideas. The meeting was held at Þingvellir National Park, which is a UNESCO World Heritage site.
1 September 2022

GRÓ opens the doors to a new GRÓ House on Grensásvegur

GRÓ - International Centre for Capacity Development, Sustainability and Societal Change has secured the long-term rental of accommodation at Grensásvegur 14 to house fellows, guest lecturers and scholarship recipients from the four GRÓ Programmes. The first group of fellows, hailing from the Geothermal Training Programme, will move in on the 5th of September.