
16 February 2009

MSc theses 2008 available for download

MSc theses by UNU-GTP/UI graduates of 2008, Daher Elmi Houssein, Jaime Jemuel C. Austria, Jr., Sun Caixia, Saeid Jalili Nasrabadi, Clety Kwambai Bore, and Mahnaz Rezvani Khalilabad are now available for download.
9 December 2008

Short Course on geothermal project management in Uganda 2008

A short course on “Geothermal Project Management and Development” was held on November 20-22 at Entebbe, Uganda. This three day event was co-organized by the United Nations University Geothermal Training Programme (UNU-GTP), Kenya Electricity Generating Company, Ltd. (KenGen) and Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development  (DGSM) in Uganda.
6 December 2008

Short Course III on surface exploration in Kenya 2008

The “Short Course III on Exploration for Geothermal Resources” opened on October 24 at Lake Bogoria. This four week event was co-organized by the United Nations University Geothermal Training Programme (UNU-GTP) and Kenya Electricity Generating Company, Ltd. (KenGen). The 37 participants came from 11 countries of East Africa.
6 October 2008

Graduation of Class 2008

The closing ceremony of the 30th annual session of the UNU-GTP was held on October 3rd, 2008.
6 October 2008

Papers presented by Dr. Wang Kun are now available for download

Papers presented by this years visiting lecturer Dr. Wang Kun are now available for download in pdf. format here.
29 September 2008

MSc defence by Mahnaz Rezvani Khalilabad

UNU-GTP MSc Fellow Mahnaz Rezvani Khalilabad, from Iran, defended her MSc thesis etitled "Characterization of the Hellisheidi-Threngsli CO2 sequestration target aquifer by tracer testing", on Monday September 29, 2008. The defence was held in Askja, at the University of Iceland. The supervisors on the MSc project were Guðni Axelsson and Sigurður R. Gíslason, and the external examiner at the defence was Halldór Ármannsson.