MSc defence by Erlindo Angcoy

2 March 2010
Erlindo with Thráinn and Stefán
Erlindo with Thráinn and Stefán
UNU-GTP MSc Fellow Erlindo Angcoy, from the Philippines, defended his thesis entitled “Geochemical modelling of the high-temperature Mahanagdong geothermal field, Philippines” Tuesday, February 23, 2010. The defence was held at the University of Iceland, Askja, room 132. Supervisor on the project was Stefán Arnórsson and Andri Stefánsson was also in the MS committee. Thráinn Fridriksson was the external examinator.
The Mahanagdong geothermal field is in the Philippines where Erlindo has worked on geothermal investigations for some years. At Mahanagdong geothermal power plants are being operated with total installed capacity of 180 MW. The drillhole fluid is mostly of the NaCl-type but also acidic fluids. The latter type caused problems in producing from wells wells with such fluids. Erlindo´s project involved interpretation of the composition of well discharges, mostly with respect to modelling the initial aquifer fluid composition for "excess" enthalpy wells, but also assessment of how closely chemical equilibrium is approached between solution and hydrothermal minerals with special reference to reactive gases but lastly but not least to assess the vapor fraction in the initial aquifer fluid.