
14 May 2009

MSc defence by Tesha

UNU-GTP MSc student Tesha, from Indonesia, defended his MSc thesis etitled "Absorption refrigeration system as an integrated condenser cooling unit in geothermal power plant", on Friday May 8, 2009. The defence was held in VR-II, at the University of Iceland. The supervisors on the MSc project were Páll Valdimarsson and Thrándur Sigurjón Ólafsson, and the external examiner at the defence was Halldór Pálsson.
14 May 2009

MSc defence by Roy Bandoro Swandaru

UNU-GTP MSc student Roy Bandoro Swandaru, from Indonesia, defended his MSc thesis etitled "Modeling and optimization of possible bottoming units for general single flash geothermal power plants", Thursday May 14, 2009. The defence was held at the University of Iceland, in VR-II. The supervisors on the MSc project were Halldór Pálsson and Tómas Philip Rúnarsson, and the external examiner at the defence was Páll Valdimarsson.
27 April 2009

The Kenya Short Course CD, 2008, is ready

The CD with papers and presentations from "Short Course III on Exploration for Geothermal resources" organized by UNU-GTP and KenGen in Naivasha, Kenya, 24 October - 17 Novemer 2008, is finally ready and will be mailed out to participants in the Short Course during this week. Other parties interested in a copy of the CD should send a request by e-mail to
25 April 2009

31st Annual Session at UNU-GTP

The 31st annual session of the UNU-GTP opened on  April 21st, 2009. This year 21 UNU Fellows participate in the six month specialized courses. They come from Albania 1, Algeria 1, China 2, Costa Rica 1, Djibouti 2, El Salvador 1, Iran 1, Kenya 3, Mexico 1, Mongolia 1, Rwanda 2, Tanzania 1, Uganda 2, Yemen 1 and Zambia 1. They will be trained in: Geothermal Utilization 4, Chemistry of Thermal Fluids 4, Reservoir Engineering 6, Geological Exploration 2, Geophysical Exploration 4, and Drilling Engineering 1. In addition there is one short term Fellow from Nicaragua participating in the programme for 3 months in the specialized course Reservoir Engineering.
10 March 2009

Visit from the President of Iceland, His Excellency Mr. Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson to the United Nations University Geothermal Training Programme

On Wednesday Mach 4, 2009, the President of Iceland, His Excellency Mr. Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson, was on an official visit to the National Energy Authority, where he addressed the importance of renewable energy resources in the global battle on climate change.
10 March 2009

The Kenya Short Course CD, 2008, is ready

The CD with papers and presentations from "Short Course III on Exploration for Geothermal resources" organized by UNU-GTP and KenGen in Naivasha, Kenya, 24 October - 17 Novemer 2008, is finally ready and will be mailed out to participants in the Short Course during this week. Other parties interested in a copy of the CD should send a request by e-mail to