
Sylvia Joan Malimo and Jose R. E. Salas
12 April 2012

MSc defence by Sylvia Joan Malimo and Jose Roberto Estevez Salas

Two UNU-GTP MSc defences will be held this week.  On Tuesday the 17th of April at 15:00 in room 132 in Askja at the University of Iceland, Sylvia Joan Malimo will defend her Master thesis, titled: "Aquifer fluid modeling and assessment of minerals-gas-liquid equilibria in the Námafjall geothermal system, NE-Iceland". On Wednesday the 18th of april at 15:00 in room 158 in VR2 at the University of Iceland, Jose Roberto Estevez Salas will defend his Master thesis, titled: "Geothermal Power Plant Projects in Central America: Technical and Financial Feasibility Model Assessment."
28 March 2012

MSc defence by Uwera Rutagarama

UNU-GTP Fellow Uwera Rutagarama from Rwanda defended her thesis entitled “The role of well testing in geothermal resource assessment” on Tuesday the 27th of March.  The defence was held at the University of Iceland in Askja.  Supervisors on the project were Gylfi Páll Hersir at ISOR, Páll Jónsson at ISOR and Sigrún Hreinsdóttir at UI.  The external examiner was Grímur Björnsson at Reykjavík Geothermal. 
15 March 2012

Lectures by Dr. Ernst Huenges available online

The UNU-GTP has published the lectures by the visiting lecturer of the programme in 2011 Dr. Ernst Hunges.  The lectures: Reservoir characterization and geothermal exploration Geothermal Drilling Engineering geothermal reservoirs Energetic use of geothermal reservoirs Economics and environmental issues have been published in one publication as "Lectures on Enhanced Geothermal Systems" and are now available for download and printing on our website under Publications. 
9 March 2012

Short Course on Geothermal Development and Geothermal Wells in El Salvador

UNU-GTP and LeGeo S.A. de C.V. will be hosting a one week Short Course on Geothermal Development and Geothermal Wells starting on 11 March in El Salvador.  Over the course of the week participants from Central-, and South-America and the Caribbean area will attend lectures given by local and international experts. Some practical sessions are included in the program as well as a field trip to Ahuachapan geothermal field.  
1 March 2012

Visit from the Ambassador of Sri Lanka

The Ambassador of Sri Lanka, Mr. Oshadhi Alahapperuma, visited the UNU-GTP on Tuesday the 28th of February.  He was escorted by Mr. S.B. Wijekoon, Minister Councellor and a representative for the Sri Lankan consul in Iceland, Sveinbjörg Pálsdóttir.  The purpose of the Ambassador‘s visit was to learn about the UNU-GTP and its operation, in Sri Lanka and all over the world. 
23 February 2012

Seminar by UNU-GTP Fellows who will defend their thesis in spring 2012

A Seminar, for the  presentations of the UNU-GTP MSc candidates who will defend their thesis at the University of Iceland this spring, will be held in Vidgelmir, Orkugarður, Grensásvegi 9 on the Thursday, 1 March, 09:00-12:00.