The President of Iceland and UK‘s former Foreign- and Environment Secretary visit the UNU-GTP

26 September 2012
The President of Iceland and UK‘s former Foreign- and Environment Secretary visit the UNU-GTP

The UNU-GTP was honored by the visit of the President of Iceland, Dr. Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson, and former Foreign Secretary and Environment Secretary of the United Kingdom, Mr. David Miliband, on September 26.  Mr. Miliband had delivered a lecture on The Future of Europe – Economics, Politics and Identity at the University of Iceland earlier in the day at the invitation of the President.  Dr. Ingvar B. Fridleifsson, Director of the UNU-GTP, and Dr. Tumi Tómasson, Director of the UNU-FTP presented an overview of the operations of the two UNU programmes to the guests of honor during their hour long stop at the UNU-GTP.