
4 March 2019

Quality management: Presentation of fellows' final projects

These days fellows at the United Nations University -- Fisheries Training Program are presenting the final projects, which they have been working on over the last three months under the supervision of specialists in Iceland. The second set of presentations will be focused on fish processing and quality management and take place at Matis, Vínlandsleið 12 Reykjavík, Tuesday March 5th.
1 March 2019

Stock assessment and fishing gear technology: Presentations of fellows' final projects

In the coming days our fellows will present the final projects which they have been working on over the last three months under the supervision of specialists from our Icelandic partner institutes. The first set of presentations will be focused on stock assessment and fishing gear technology and take place at MFRI Auditorium, Skúlagata 4 Reykjavík, Monday March 4th.
28 February 2019

Final projects of fellows

UNU-FTP fellows are working hard these days wrapping up the final project of this year's six-months training program. They will introduce it in a series of presentations scheduled for next week. The presentations are open to the general public. It is a great opportunity to learn about the challenges to fisheries all over the world.
26 February 2019

Opening the (Gender) Blinds - Conference on Gender and Substance Use

UNU-GEST in partnership with RIKK, the Root and Gender Equality Agency of Iceland will host the two-day conference on Gender and Substance Use: Opening the (Gender) Blinds, Towards an Inclusive Gender-Based View of Trauma and Addiction in Reykjavík on 28 February – 1 March 2019.
22 February 2019

UNU-GEST Fellows Visit the Supreme Court of Iceland

Yesterday, as an extra curriculum activity to the module Gender, Violence and Security, the UNU-GEST fellows visited the Supreme Court of Iceland. During the visit, the fellows were briefed on the Icelandic judicial system, the history of the Supreme Court of Iceland, and the recent reform of the judicial system, with the establishment of the Appeals Court in 2018.
19 February 2019

RIKK & UNU-GEST Joint Lecture Series: Fourth Lecturer, Dr. Marsha Henry

Dr. Marsha Henry, is the fourth lecturer in the 2019 RIKK – Institute for Gender, Equality and Difference & UNU-GEST – United Nations University Gender Equality Studies and Training Programme – lecture series during spring term 2019. Her lecture is titled: “Reflections on Gender and Transformative Wellbeing in Post-conflict Contexts: The Political Economy of Sexual Violence in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Liberia”, and will take place on Thursday, 21th of February, from 12:00 to 13:00.