
24 March 2020

Postponement of the Six Month Training in Iceland due to the COVID-19 pandemic

We regret to announce the need to postpone the launch of the Geothermal Training Programme, this year. The reason being the restrictions imposed worldwide due to the COVID-19 virus outbreak.
20 March 2020

Effect of COVID-19 on GRÓ LRT six-month training programme

Last weekend, twenty professionals from Africa and Asia were expected to arrive in Iceland to attend the GRÓ LRT six-month training programme. We had planned to launch the 2020 six-month training on 16 March, but in light of the COVID-19 outbreak, the training had to be postponed at least for the coming weeks. Here in Iceland, as in so many countries around the globe, authorities have taken measures to address the threat stemming from COVID-19. In Iceland, all universities and colleges have been closed and a ban on public events and gatherings has been imposed from 16 March until at least 13 April. Whether we will be able to run this year’s training programme later this spring remains uncertain. This will depend on how things evolve in Iceland and around the world regarding the outbreak.
17 March 2020

Update Regarding Covid-19

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the University of Iceland will be closed for the next four weeks. This closure affects the current 2020 GEST programme severely as all teaching now happens online.
Málfríður (t.h.) með fyrrverandi nema skólans sem starfar í Momotombo í Níkaragva.
12 March 2020

Jarðhitaskólinn: Vettvangsferð til Mið- og Suður-Ameríku

Í janúar og febrúar fór Málfríður Ómarsdóttir, umhverfisfræðingur Jarðhitaskólans í vettvangsferð til núverandi og mögulegra framtíðar samstarfsstofnana í Níkaragva, Kólumbíu og Perú. Tilgangurinn var að taka viðtöl við kandídata fyrir sex mánaða þjálfunina á Íslandi, athuga möguleika á samstarfi og skoða bakland jarðhitaþróunar í nýjum samstarfslöndum.
FTP fellows 22nd cohort together with minister of fisheries and agriculture Mr. Kristján Þór Júlíusson.
27 February 2020

Congratulations FTP fellows 22nd cohort

FTP fellows 22nd cohort graduated from the Six-month training in a ceremony held yesterday 26th of February at the Marine and Freshwater Research Institute in Iceland.
24 February 2020

Útskrift Sjávarútvegsskólans

Miðvikudaginn 26. febrúar kl. 15:00 fer fram brautskráning nemenda Sjávarútvegsskólans. Athöfnin fer fram í sal Hafrannsóknastofnunar, Skúlagötu 4 - 1. hæð. Strax að henni lokinni, eða kl. 16:00, verður móttaka fyrir gesti á sama stað og munu þá útskriftarnemendur kynna verkefni sín á sérstakri veggspjaldasýningu.