
8 March 2022

Call to GEST Alumni: The March 8 Fund 2022

The GRÓ GEST programme hereby invites its alumni to apply for The March 8 Fund 2022. The deadline for applications is April 19, 2022. Read more about how to apply, eligibility criteria and priorities here.
7 March 2022

Sérfræðingur á sviði sjávarútvegs og þróunarsamvinnu

Sjávarútvegsskóli GRÓ er hluti af GRÓ - Þekkingarmiðstöð þróunarsamvinnu, sem er sjálfstæð miðstöð um uppbyggingu færni og þekkingar í þróunarlöndum og starfar undir merkjum Mennta-, vísinda- og menningarmálastofnunar Sameinuðu þjóðanna (UNESCO)
4 March 2022

MSc defence by Gloria Gladis Sondakh

Gloria Gladis Sondakh from Indonesia, MSc Fellow in Sustainable Energy at the Reykjavík University will defend her MSc project on Wednesday 9 March, 2022 at 16:00 in room M104. 
2 March 2022

Congratulations FTP fellows 23rd cohort

Fellows of the 23rd cohort of the GRÓ Fisheries Training Programme graduated from their six-month training in a ceremony held yesterday, 1st of March at the Marine and Freshwater Research Institute in Iceland.
1 March 2022

WGC2023 – Call for abstracts

UPDATED: The World Geothermal Congress (WGC2023) will be held in October, 2023 in Beijing, China
1 March 2022

Geothermal winter field trip of the PhD fellows

Last week, our PhD fellows went on a field trip in the Southwest part of Iceland, to learn about the alternative options available for geothermal resources.