
15 February 2022

Mobilising for Intersex Rights in Iceland: RIKK & GRÓ GEST Lecture

Daniela Alaattinoğlu is the fourth lecturer of the RIKK – Institute for Gender, Equality and Difference and GRÓ-GEST lecture series Queer Iceland in an International Context in spring 2022. Daniela’s lecture is titled “Mobilising for Intersex Rights in Iceland”. The lecture is held Thursday 24 February at 12.00 at the Lecture Hall of the National Museum and is streamed live here.
14 February 2022

Open Call for Nominations for the 2023 GRÓ GEST Programme

The GRÓ Gender Equality Studies and Training (GRÓ GEST) programme calls for nominations for its academic programme in 2023. The deadline for nominations is 14 March 2022.
8 February 2022

Queer Iceland in an International Context – RIKK and GEST Spring 2022 Lecture Series

The topic of the spring 2022 Lecture Series organised by RIKK – Institute for Gender, Equality and Difference at the University of Iceland and the Gender Equality Studies and Training Programme (GRÓ-GEST) is Queer Iceland in an International Context. The series emphasizes a diverse and interdisciplinary approach on queer studies in Iceland.
A roundtable on GRÓ
27 January 2022

All GRÓ training programmes operated in 2021 despite of pandemic

GRÓ – International Centre for Capacity Development, Sustainability and Societal Change, that operates under the auspices of UNESCO, managed to continue its operations during last year, in spite of the various challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. All four training programmes run by GRÓ were again able to receive students for the six-month training courses, a total of 90 fellows. In 2020 the operations were greatly disrupted and three of the programmes had to suspend the arrival of fellows for one year. Furthermore, short courses in partner countries could again be conducted last year.
Frá fræðslu- og umræðufundi GRÓ síðastliðinn föstudag.
25 January 2022

GRÓ skólarnir störfuðu með nokkuð eðlilegum hætti þrátt fyrir heimsfaraldur

Öllum skólunum fjórum sem starfa á vegum GRÓ Þekkingarmiðstöð þróunarsamvinnu tókst að halda starfi sínu áfram á síðasta ári með nokkuð eðlilegum hætti og taka á móti nemendum í sex mánaða þjálfunarnámið, þrátt fyrir ýmsar áskoranir tengdar COVID-19 heimsfaraldrinum. Mikil röskun varð á starfinu árið 2020 og þurftu þrír skólanna þá að fresta komu nemenda um eitt ár. Þeir komust hingað loks í fyrra en þá sóttu 90 sérfræðingar frá þróunarlöndunum þjálfun við skólana fjóra hér á landi. Að auki var aftur hægt að standa fyrir námskeiðum á vettvangi.
24 January 2022

Announcement of MSc and PhD Scholarships recipients

The evaluation of the applications received from former Fellows for GTP Scholarships for MSc and PhD studies in Iceland has now been carried out. There were 15 valid applications for MSc studies and a record number of 15 for the PhD studies, which shows the continuous enthusiasm for geothermal studies in Iceland.