
26 October 2022

IDEAS Podcast goes live!

The first of seven modules of the IDEAS podcast is now available on most major platforms.
21 October 2022

Tuttugu og þrír sérfræðingar útskrifast frá Jarðhitaskóla GRÓ

Tuttugu og þrír sérfræðingar frá tólf löndum útskrifuðust frá Jarðhitaskóla GRÓ í gær. Hópurinn hefur dvalið á Íslandi við nám síðustu sex mánuði og er sá 43. sem lýkur námi við skólann. Alls hafa nú 766 nemendur frá 65 löndum lokið námi frá Jarðhitaskólanum. Þá hafa 79 lokið meistaranámi og fimm doktorsnámi við íslenska háskóla með stuðningi frá skólanum. Einnig hefur Jarðhitaskólinn haldið fjöldamörg styttri námskeið á vettvangi sem og á netinu.
GRÓ-FTP team from the left, Stefán Úlfarsson, Warsha Sing, Agnes Eydal, Julie Ingham and Zaw Myo Win. Pictured outside the Marine and Freshwater Research Institute with the town of Hafnarfjörður in the background.
14 October 2022

GRÓ-FTP team ready to welcome 24th cohort of fellows

A new group of fellows will soon arrive in Iceland to participate in the six-month Fisheries Training Programme which will run from 24th October 2022 to 27th April 2023.
Ms Gertrude Kambauwa, Director of the Department of Land Resources Conservation, at the Ministry of Agriculture, and Ms Halldóra Traustadóttir, GRÓ LRT´s Operations Manager, in Lilongwe, October 2022.
12 October 2022

GRÓ LRT visit to partners in Uganda and Malawi

Halldóra Traustadóttir, Operations Manager of GRÓ LRT, travelled to Uganda and Malawi, at the end of September and beginning of October, to visit GRÓ LRT’s partner institutions in the two countries. The purpose of the visits was to meet the directors of partner institutions and interview potential candidates for GRÓ LRT Fellowship to attend the annual six-month training in Iceland.
8 October 2022

MSc defence by Johannes Onjala Ochome

Tuesday 11th of October at 9:00 in Room M208 at Reykjavík University.
7 October 2022

Final project seminar - Tuesday 11 October

Fellows introduce their final projects in the specialised fields.