
Útrskriftarnemendur Landgræðsluskóla GRÓ.
19 September 2022

Nítján nemendur útskrifast frá Landgræðsluskóla GRÓ

Landgræðsluskóli GRÓ útskrifaði 14. september nítján sérfræðinga, sjö konur og tólf karla, frá átta löndum. Landgræðsluskólinn er eitt fjögurra þjálfunarprógramma sem rekin eru undir GRÓ – Þekkingarmiðstöð þróunarsamvinnu, sem starfar undir merkjum UNESCO og er ein af meginstoðum í alþjóðlegri þróunarsamvinnu Íslands. Markmið miðstöðvarinnar er að byggja upp færni og þekkingu í þróunarlöndunum á sviðum þar sem sérþekking Íslendinga nýtist. Einnig eru starfandi á vegum GRÓ Jarðhitaskóli, Sjávarútvegsskóli og Jafnréttisskóli.
GRÓ LRT fellows with Nína Björk Jónsdóttir, GRÓ Director General and Sjöfn Vilhelmsdóttir, GRÓ LRT Director.
15 September 2022

Congratulations to the GRÓ LRT fellows of 2022

Fellows of the 15th cohort of the GRÓ Land Restoration Training Programme graduated from the six-month training in a ceremony, held on 14 September at the Keldnaholt campus of the Agricultural University of Iceland.
12 September 2022

GRÓ LRT fellows wrapping up

The GRÓ LRT fellows submitted their individual project reports over the weekend and the final scheduled programme activity in this year’s six-month training was today: the so-called evaluation day.
The President and the fellows with Bessastaðir wetland restoration site in the background
8 September 2022

GRÓ LRT visit to the President of Iceland

The GRÓ LRT fellows had the honour of visiting the President of Iceland, Mr. Guðni Th. Jóhannesson, at Bessastaðir, the presidential residence, this morning.
Claudia Pamela Chavarría Machado is Research and Development Coordinator with INCIDE Social in Mexico City, and GEST alumna of 2021
8 September 2022

2022 March 8 Fund project grant awarded

Claudia Pamela Chavarria Machado receives grant to fight intimate partner violence
Panelists and lecturers
8 September 2022

GTP launches its third Online Course on Geothermal Energy

The course series "Online Course on Geothermal Energy" is aimed at decision makers in our cooperation countries in an effort to increase their interests in developing their geothermal resources, and present to them all the possibilities geothermal energy has to offer.