
Dr Jerome Lugumira from NEMA and Dr Daniel Waiswa from Makerere University
14 April 2023

Guest lecturers from Uganda

This week, GRÓ LRT hosts three guest lecturers from Makerere University and the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) in Uganda.
14 April 2023

Fellows' research presentations

As this year’s six-month training programme draws to an end, GRÓ-FTP is happy to announce a series of seminars where graduating fellows will present and discuss results of their research here in Iceland.
31 March 2023

Seminar on Decolonisation of Higher Education: Perspectives from Postcolonial Contexts

On Thursday 13 April, GRÓ GEST and RIKK – Institute for Gender, Equality and Difference, at the University of Iceland, are hosting a seminar titled Decolonisation of Higher Education: Perspectives from Postcolonial Contexts. The seminar is a part of the research Decolon-Ice: Towards Decolonizing Curricula in Nordic Higher Education, led by Dr. Giti Chandra, Research Specialist at GEST and RIKK. Participants in the seminar come from GRÓ GEST’s various partner universities and their visit is supported by the Erasmus+ grant scheme.
30 March 2023

GRÓ LRT fellows visit AUI headquarters

This week, the 2023 GRÓ LRT cohort of fellows visited the headquarters of the Agricultural University (AUI) of Iceland in Hvanneyri, West-Iceland. The visit began with a warm welcome from the rector of AUI, Dr Ragnheiður I Þórarinsdóttir, and introduction to the strategy, educational- and research programmes, and the history of the university.
Auðbjörg Halldórsdóttir, Iceland’s Permanent Delegate to UNESCO, Prof. Hubert Gijzen, Director of the Regional Office of UNESCO in Eastern Africa, Director General of GRÓ, Nína Björk Jónsdóttir and dr. Alexandros Mikarigakis, Head of Natural Sciences Sector and Regional hydrologist at UNESCO's Regional Office.
30 March 2023

GRÓ and UNESCO explore opportunities of closer cooperation in Eastern Africa

UNESCO and GRÓ identified many opportunities in working closer together in Eastern Africa at meetings between GRÓ and the UNESCO Regional Office for Eastern Africa in Nairobi earlier this month.
29 March 2023

GRÓ GEST‘s Lecturers Contribute to RIKK Public Lecture Series on Decolonialism

Three of GRÓ GEST lecturers contribute to the RIKK lecture series this semester: Marsha Henry looked at the gendered, racialised, and militarised politics of peacekeeping on 23 February, Marai Larasi’s lecture on 15 March was titled ““Time Travel” as Liberation Strategy. Reflections on Decoloniality, Memory and Black Feminist Imagination”. And this Thursday, 30 March, Mukul Mangalik will take examples from Latin America, Africa, and South and South-East Asia in his exploration of un-gendering histories of anti-colonial struggles for liberation.