Documentary about the UNU-GTP on YouTube

25 November 2011
Shooting of the documentary in Krýsuvík, Reykjanes peninsula
Shooting of the documentary in Krýsuvík, Reykjanes peninsula
In June, the UNU-GTP and the UNU Media Centre signed a Memorandum of Agreement on a 10 minute documentary on geothermal training in Iceland. Two personnel from the Media Centre came to Iceland in July to record various activities.  In addition to portraying geothermal in Iceland and the activities of the UNU-GTP, the documentary focuses to some extent on the activities of Anna Mwangi, a geophysics Fellow from Kenya. With reassuring results, the UNU-GTP and the UNU Media Centre reached an agreement on the shooting of another 10 minute documentary on the activities of the UNU-GTP and its affiliates in Kenya, where Anna Mwangi is also in a starring role.

The first part is available on YouTube, and below, and the second part will be available in early 2012.