
UNU-GTP MSc Fellows graduating in 2011. From left: Andi Joko Nugroho (Indonesia), Andemariam Teklesenbet (Eritrea), Endy Kevin Padilla Rivas (El Salvador), Alejandro Rodríguez Badilla (Costa Rica)
8 June 2011

Three UNU-GTP MSc Fellows passed their defence examinations in mid May

On May 12 and 13, three UNU-GTP MSc Fellows passed their defence examinations at the University of Iceland. Endy Kevin Padilla Rivas from El Salvador presented the project : „Transport and precipitation of carbon and sulphur in the Reykjanes geothermal system, Iceland“, Andi Joko Nugroho from Indonesia presented the project:  „Optimization of Electrical Power Production from High Temperature Geothermal Fields with respect to Silica Scaling Problems“, and Alejandro Rodriguez Badilla from Costa Rica presented the project: "Water-rock interaction of silicic rocks".
26 May 2011

Visit to ICEIDA and MFA

Today the fellows of this year’s six-month training programme visited the Icelandic International Development Agency (ICEIDA) and the Directorate for International Development at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs (MFA).
Mr. Alfred Akankwasa (DFR), Franklin Georgsson (MATIS), Ms. Sigridur Ingvarsdottir (UNU-FTP),  Mr. James Sekatawa (ICEIDA), Mr. Margeir Gissurarson (MATIS), Ms.  Lillian Chebet (FTI) and Ms. Margaret Masette (FOSRI/NARO/MAK)
16 May 2011

Short course development workshop on quality assurance for fish inspectors in Uganda.

This course is a part of the UNU-FTP short course development project where UNU-FTP works with fisheries experts in its partner countries in identifying issues of great importance in the fisheries, and consequently develop a training course on that particular issue. This time UNU-FTP teams up with ICEIDA who has a long standing relationship with Uganda in development assistance. Also on the development team are experts from MATIS – Food Research Institute and former UNU- fellows from Uganda that represent various fisheries institutes in Uganda.
16 May 2011

Short Course VI on Exploration for Geothermal Resources to be held in Kenya in October and November 2011

United Nations University Geothermal Training Programme (UNU-GTP) in Iceland, Geothermal Development Company, Kenya (GDC) and Kenya Electricity Generating Company, Ltd. (KenGen) will be hosting “Short Course VI on Exploration for Geothermal Resources”, to be held at Lake Bogoria Hotel and at Sopa Lodge, Naivasha, Kenya, 27 October – 18 November, 2011. Participation in the course is by invitation only. The short course is mainly aimed at young professionals from East Africa with a diploma or a degree in chemistry, physics, geology (earth sciences) or engineering, who have been actively involved in geothermal research in their home country or are potential candidates for that in the near future. For preliminary agenda click here.
UNU-GTP MSc Fellows graduating in 2011. From left: Andi Joko Nugroho (Indonesia), Andemariam Teklesenbet (Eritrea), Endy Kevin Padilla Rivas (El Salvador), Alejandro Rodríguez Badilla (Costa Rica)
5 May 2011

MSc defence by Endy Kevin Padilla Rivas

On Thurdsay 12th May, Endy Kevin Padilla Rivas will defend his work for the degree of Master of Science.  The thesis is entitled: „Transport and precipitation of carbon and sulphur in the Reykjanes geothermal system, Iceland“.  The defence will take place in room A131 in Askja and starts at 15.00.  The Supervisor on the project is Andri Stefánsson from the University of Iceland and Thráinn Fridriksson from Iceland GeoSurvey and the external examiner is Vigdís Hardardóttir from Iceland GeoSurvey.
UNU-GTP MSc Fellows graduating in 2011. From left: Andi Joko Nugroho (Indonesia), Andemariam Teklesenbet (Eritrea), Endy Kevin Padilla Rivas (El Salvador), Alejandro Rodríguez Badilla (Costa Rica)
5 May 2011

MSc defence by Andi Joko Nugroho

On Thurdsay 12th May, Andi Joko Nugroho will defend his work for the degree of Master of Science.  The thesis is entitled: „Optimization of Electrical Power Production from High Temperature Geothermal Fields with respect to Silica Scaling Problems“.  The defence will take place in room 158 in VRII and starts at 14.00.  The Supervisors on the project are Halldór Pálsson & Magnus Thor from the University of Iceland and the external examiner is Páll Valdimarsson from the University of Iceland.