
18 May 2015

Gender transformative approaches for sustainable rural development: Experiences from Sub-Saharan Africa

On Thursday May 21 Clare Bishop-Sambrook, Lead Technical Specialist, Policy and Technical Advisory Division at the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) in Rome, gave a public talk entitled „Gender transformative approaches for sustainable rural development: Experiences from Sub-Saharan Africa“. Clare discussed the importance of ensuring a gender perspective when implementing projects on rural livelihood and food security in IFAD’s work in sub-Saharan Africa.
15 May 2015

UNU-GEST graduates present their final assignments

UNU-GEST graduates will present their final assignments in an open seminar at the University of Iceland in Askja, room 132 on May 19th from 9:00 to 12:00. These are either project proposals aimed at increasing equality for women and girls in fellow´s home-countries or essays focusing on various aspects of gender equality. The event is divided into two sessions, the former is entitled Social Equality and the latter Gender-Based Violence.
12 May 2015

MSc lecture by Gaetan Sakindi

Gaetan Sakindi, M.Sc. Fellow in geophysics at the University of Iceland will give a lecture on his MSc project on Monday 18 May, 2015 at 14:00 at University of Iceland, Askja building, room 130.
11 May 2015

MSc lecture by Xavier Shioya Musonye

Xavier Shioya Musonye, M.Sc. Fellow in Geology at the University of Iceland will give a lecture on his MSc project on Wednesday 13 May, 2015 at 13:00 at University of Iceland, Askja building, room 131.
8 May 2015

UNU-GEST Director and Deputy Minister of Women´s Affair in Palestine discuss future cooperation

The Deputy Minister of the Palestinian Ministry of Women’s Affairs, Mr. Bassam Al-Khatib, met with Dr. Irma Erlingsdottir, the Director of the United Nations University Gender Equality Studies and Training Programme at the University of Iceland, in Ramallah this week to discuss future cooperation.
8 May 2015

MSc lecture by Shakiru Idrissa Kajugus

Shakiru Idrissa Kajugus, M.Sc. Fellow in Geology at the University of Iceland will give a lecture on his MSc project on Monday 11 May, 2015 at 15:00 at University of Iceland, Askja building, room 132.