
30 September 2015

Annual Visiting Lecturer at the UNU-GTP 2015

The UNU Visiting Lecturer in 2015 is the Ethiopian geologist and geothermal specialist Dr. Meseret Teklemariam Zemedkun.
28 September 2015

The Global Goals for Sustainable Development

A set of 17 Global Goals for Sustainable Development were formally adopted at a special UN summit in New York on 25-27 September. The goals raise great expectations and set the stage for the next 15 years. Their predecessors, the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), focused mainly on the human aspects of development. The Global Goals go beyond this by integrating the role of ecosystems in sustaining human well-being. This is a major step forward, in that the new goals seek to ensure a better balance between economic growth and environmental protection.
18 September 2015

Graduation at UNU-LRT

On Thursday 17 September thirteen fellows graduated from the UNU-LRT six-month training programme; seven women and six men. The graduates come from Ethiopia, Ghana, Malawi, Namibia, and Uganda in Sub-Saharan Africa, and from Kyrgyzstan and Mongolia in Central Asia. At the graduation ceremony the UNU-LRT Director, Dr Hafdis Hanna Aegisdottir, the Permanent Secretary of State, Mr Stefan Haukur Johannesson, and the Chair of the UNU-LRT Board, Mr Sveinn Runolfsson, addressed the fellows and guest. Addresses were also given by two graduating fellows, Ms Uuganzaya Myagmarjav from Mongolia and Mr Emmanuel Chidiwa Mbewe from Malawi, who spoke on behalf of the 2015 cohort of fellows.
16 September 2015

A Question of Parity and Empowerment: SDG#5

In addition to being the year when UN Member States agree to the 2030 Agenda on sustainable development, 2015 stands out regarding actions for gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls. This year bears witness to many landmark events that have changed how these issues are viewed within the global community and at national level.
Participants and lecturers by the Palais du Peuple
16 September 2015

Short Course on Geothermal Project Management in Djibouti

The UNU-GTP is currently conducting a Short Course on Geothermal Project Management in Djibouti for selected employees of the Djiboutian Development Office for Geothermal Energy (ODDEG), the Ministry of Energy, Water and Natural Resources (MERN) and the Djibouti Center for Research Studies (CERD).
Participants and lecturers on a sampling mission in the field
14 September 2015

Short Course IV on Chemistry of Thermal Fluids in the Azores

The UNU-GTP is currently conducting Short Course IV on Chemistry of Thermal Fluids in the Azores islands of Portugal for selected employees of EDA RENOVÁVEIS – the department of renewables within the Electricity Company of the Azores (EDA) – and the University of the Azores.