UNU-GEST alumna participates in 2016 Women Deliver Conference

21 June 2016
Shaista de Araújo at Women Deliver 4th Global Conference in Copenhagen, May 2016
Shaista de Araújo at Women Deliver 4th Global Conference in Copenhagen, May 2016

Women deliverMs. de Araújo attended the conference as the beneficiary of the Women Deliver Committee’s scholarship grant, accepting just 30 out of over 5,000 applicants.

The conference was attended by around 6,000 participants from 169 countries, with the aim to focus the world’s attention on the best ways to make Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) work for women and girls. This was exercised through talks, conferences and innovative media approaches, such as documentaries, movies and poetry.

Ms. de Araújo writes: “I was surprised to learn about the amazing variety of topics and agendas covered, from sexual reproductive rights, violence against women, economic impact to the very innovative approaches that allows Private Sector work and contribute in a sustainable manner for women‘s rights”.

”The conference atmosphere was so positive; people shared ideas, established partnerships, and discussed theories of implementations. This experience reminds me of the importance of the foundation knowledge that I had in UNU-GEST, and here I am again, renewing and strategically following up the connections, ideas and projects to give and continue to believe in a better world for women, girls, men and boys”.

The UNU-GEST team congratulates Shaista on her participation at 2016 Women Deliver, and on all of her future endeavours towards gender equality.