
23 May 2016

MSc lecture by Victor Otieno

Victor Otieno, M.Sc. Fellow in geology at the University of Iceland will give a lecture on his MSc project on Tuesday 24 May, 2016 at 14:00 at University of Iceland, Askja building, room 132.
20 May 2016

UNU-GEST fellows present final assignments next week

15 fellows will complete a post-graduate diploma in international gender studies from UNU-GEST on 25 May 2016. Fellows will present final assignments on Monday 22 May and Tuesday 23 May 2016 from 11:00-13:00 in Oddi building room 101 at the University of Iceland
18 May 2016

UNU-FTP short course on SPS Management for Caribbean specialists

Eighteen professionals, working in Fisheries Management, Animal Health and Food Safety and from across the CARIFORUM region, were specially selected to attend a SPS Management Course during 17-30 April 2016 at the Marine Research Institute in Reyjavik, Iceland. The course will expose the selected trainees to the full range of issues faced in fisheries value chain management, with special focus on achieving SPS measures and the institutional arrangements required for optimized performance of the fishing industry.
18 May 2016

Women's Human Rights Education Institute (WHRI) seeks volunteer research contributors for global study on women's human rights

WHRI invites researchers to join a research project on “good practices” in ending discrimination and promoting women’s self-empowerment for the UN Working Group on Discrimination Against Women in Law and Practice (UNWGDAW).
6 May 2016

Home country seminar of the UNUGTP Fellows

On Monday 9th May, the Fellows will make a presentation on the geothermal development and utilisation in their home countries.
2015 UNU-GEST Fellows Victor Maulidi and Limbani Phiri photographed at CSW60 in New York, March 2015
3 May 2016

2015 UNU-GEST Fellows attend Commission on the Status of Women (CSW60) session in New York

Two 2015 GEST Fellows, Limbani Phiri and Victor Maulidi from Malawi, were privileged to attend the 60th annual session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW60) at United Nations Headquarters in New York in March this year.