
Participants and lecturers by a geothermal binary power demonstration plant
13 April 2016

Short Course on Utilization of Low- to Medium Enthalpy Geothermal Resources in Romania

Short Course on Utilization of Low- to Medium Enthalpy Geothermal Resources was held in Oradea, Romania, on April 4-8 in cooperation with the University of Oradea.
8 April 2016

UNU-GEST & RIKK Lecture Series 11 April - "Making women invisible: What gets counted, counts"

Prof. Joni Seager, Bentley University gives the lecture "Making women invisible: What gets counted, counts", on Monday, 11 April, in room 101 in the Lögberg building, University of Iceland.
Participants, lecturers and organizers in the Ribeira Grande geothermal field, São Miguel island
7 April 2016

Short Course VI on Geophysical Exploration for Geothermal Resources in the Azores

The UNU-GTP is currently conducting Short Course VI on Geophysical Exploration for Geothermal Resources in the Azores of Portugal for selected employees of EDA RENOVÁVEIS – the department of renewables within the Electricity Company of the Azores (EDA) – and the University of the Azores.
31 March 2016

Call for papers on gender-responsive methodologies and gender research in the African context

UNU-GEST is organizing a panel on Nordic Africa Days 2016 which will be held in Uppsala, Sweden 23-24 September. Paper proposals, not exceeding 300 words shall be submitted no later than 3 May
29 March 2016

UNU-GEST Lecture Series 31 March - Men of the World ... and what to do about them: resistance, responsibilities and responses

Professor Jeff Hearn will give the lecture “Men of the World ... and what to do about them: resistance, responsibilities and responses”, on 31 March at 12 o’clock in The National Museum’s lecture hall.
23 March 2016

New group of fellows for the 2016 training programme

Once again we at UNU-LRT welcome a new group of fellows for the six-months training programme. This time the group consists of five women and six men from seven countries: Kyrgyzstan and Mongolia in Central Asia, Ghana and Niger in West Africa, Uganda in East Africa and Malawi and Lesotho in Southern Africa. We look very much forward to working with the energetic group of fellows in the coming months.