Title: The quality and shelf life of Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus) as influenced by smoking technology, packaging material and storage temperature

Author(s): Eunice Asamoah
Final project
Year of publication:
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mackerel; smoking technology; packaging; storage temperature; shelf life


Whole and filleted Atlantic mackerel were hot smoked using Cabin and Bradley kilns. The smoked products were then air and vacuum-packed and stored at 0 – 4°C and 15 – 20°C for up to 35 days. The changes in physicochemical (pH, colour, water activity, salt and water content and total volatile base nitrogen, TVB-N), microbiological and sensory quality were studied over the storage period. Vacuum-packed smoked mackerel stored at refrigerated temperatures performed better during storage than those air-packed, independent of the smoking method. According to the sensory analysis, the shelf life was estimated between 7 - 10 days for air-packed smoked mackerel fillets stored at room temperature and 10 - 18 days for vacuum and air-packed whole mackerel stored at 0 – 4°C and 15 – 20°C. Vacuum and air-packed mackerel fillets independent of storage temperature, as well as, vacuum-packed mackerel from the two smoking methods stored at 0 – 4°C were not rejected by the panel during the storage period.

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