Visit to China

4 August 2009
On June 20, during the visit of Ludvik S. Georgsson, the Deputy Director of the UNU-GTP, to China in June, the Icelandic Ambassador in Beijing, Gunnar Snorri Gunnarsson hosted a reception for the former UNU Fellows in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, and other good friends of the Icelandic Embassy in Beijing, both Chinese and Icelandic.
The reception was given on June 20 and was a great success. A total of 17 former UNU Fellows turned up together with many other distinguished guests, and enjoyed the hospitality of the ambassador, deep into the evening, as can be seen on the photo below.  

From left: Wang Liancheng (2005), Li Hongying (2000), Li Jun (2003), Cao Fenglan (2008), Liu Jiurong (1999), Guo Gaoxuan (2008), Yu Yuan (2005), Wang Wei (2006), Zhang Baiming (1994), Ambassdor Gunnar Snorri Gunnarsson, Han Zheng (2008), Sun Caixia (2005 & MSc 2008), Wang Ronghua former Chinese ambassador in Iceland, Ludvik S. Georgsson, former Secretary of the Chinese Embassy in Iceland, Cheng Wanqing (2001), Lei Haiyan (2004), Yin Heng (2002), Pang Zhonghe (1988), Bi Erping (1997). 

The year refers to the UNU Fellowship in Iceland.