
Participants and organizers by well head units in Olkaria
25 November 2015

Short Course X on Exploration for Geothermal Resources in Kenya

Short Course X on Exploration for Geothermal Resources in currently on-going at Lake Naivasha, Kenya.
29 October 2015

Graduation of Fellows 2015

The closing ceremony of the 36th annual session of the UNU-GTP was held on October 17, 2015, with 30 UNU Fellows graduating from the six month specialized courses.
19 October 2015

Release of Geothermal Training in Iceland 2014

The UNU-GTP yearbook "Geothermal Training in Iceland 2014" has now been published on print and released online and is now available for download under publications.
10 October 2015

UNU Fellows introduce their final projects

On Wednesday, 8 October 2014, the UNU Fellows of the Six Month Training Programme will introduce their final projects.
30 September 2015

Annual Visiting Lecturer at the UNU-GTP 2015

The UNU Visiting Lecturer in 2015 is the Ethiopian geologist and geothermal specialist Dr. Meseret Teklemariam Zemedkun.
Participants and lecturers by the Palais du Peuple
16 September 2015

Short Course on Geothermal Project Management in Djibouti

The UNU-GTP is currently conducting a Short Course on Geothermal Project Management in Djibouti for selected employees of the Djiboutian Development Office for Geothermal Energy (ODDEG), the Ministry of Energy, Water and Natural Resources (MERN) and the Djibouti Center for Research Studies (CERD).