
18 March 2019

Visit from partners in Mongolia

Last week, UNU-LRT received a visit from six Mongolian specialists from three partner institutions of UNU-LRT in Mongolia. The purpose of their visit was to prepare for a course that will be held in Mongolia in May, with specialists from UNU-LRT, the Agricultural University of Iceland and the Soil Conservation Service of Iceland. The seven-day course entitled "Communicating knowledge for sustainable rangeland management under climate change – improving analytic and reporting skills” was taught for the first time last year. The course is co-organized and held by UNU-LRT and three Mongolian partner institutions. Besides working on preparation for the course, the visitors gave presentations for the staff and students at the Agricultural University of Iceland. Furthermore, UNU-LRT held an open seminar at the National Museum of Iceland where Dr Bulgamaa Densambuu, rangeland ecologist and former UNU-LRT fellow, gave a talk on means to improve land health and livelihoods of nomadic herders in Mongolia.
2018 FTP fellows on a site visit to Holar, Northern Iceland
7 March 2019

21st cohort of fellows ready for graduation

Tuesday March 12th 2019 United Nations University Fisheries Training Program will hold a graduation ceremony for its 21st cohort of fellows. The ceremony will take place at the Marine and Freshwater Research Institute (MFRI), Skúlagata 4, 1st floor and starts at 16:00.
5 March 2019

Fisheries related issues in developing countries: Presentation of fellows' final projects

These days our fellows are presenting their final projects, which they have been working on this winter, under the supervision of specialists in Iceland, including from the University of Akureyri. Indeed, the last set of presentations will take place at the University of Akureyri, Sólborg M202, Wednesday March 6th from 08:30 and be focused on a wide variety of fisheries related issues in developing countries.
5 March 2019

UNU-GEST Fellow Participates in a Seminar on Women, Business and the Law — Launch of the New World Bank Report 2019

Yesterday, UNU-Gest fellow and Gender Development Officer at the Malawian Ministry of Gender, Children, Disability and Social Welfare, Kondwani Macdonald Mhone took part in the Seminar on Women, Business and the Law — Launch of the new World Bank report 2019 at Hilton Reykjavík Nordica.
4 March 2019

Fisheries Policy and Management: Presentation of fellows' final projects

Tuesday March 5th our fellows continue presenting the final projects which they have been working on over the last three months under the supervision of specialists in Iceland. Before lunch a set of presentations will focus on fish processing and quality management and take place at Matis, Vínlandsleið 12 Reykjavík. After lunch another set of presentation will focus on fisheries policies and management and take place at the “Sjávarútvegshús” Auditorium Skúlagata 4 Reykjavík.
4 March 2019

UNU-GEST participates in a conference in Maputo: “Men, Masculinities and Gender Equality in Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean: Interregional Dialogues”

UNU-GEST representatives Dr. Thomas Brorsen Smidt and Anna Guðrún Aradóttir participated in the conference “Men, Masculinities and Gender Equality in Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean: Interregional Dialogues”, organized by UNESCO and HOPEM, that took place in Maputo from 25 to 27 February. The main purpose of the seminar was to establish a framework for formulating constructive critical approaches to urgent issues around men, masculinities and gender equality in Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean.