
Participants and facilitators of the course
1 November 2017

Course in Uganda on sustainable land management, land restoration and linkages to climate change

This autumn, UNU-LRT offered a short course in Uganda on “Sustainable land management, land restoration and linkages to climate change”. The 9-day course was organised in cooperation with the Ugandan partner institutions of UNU-LRT, the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) and Makerere University. The course was held in Kasese municipality in Western Uganda and the participants were 25 officers from 18 different districts in Western Uganda, who work on environmental issues within their districts.
1 November 2017

Dams, decisions, discourses and developments in Nile Basin Countries

The Nordic Africa Institute (NAI) and the University of Iceland will co-host the workshop on 2 November in the Nordic House: "Dams, decisions, discourses and developments in Nile Basin Countries". Dr. Pétur Waldorff, UNU-GEST Senior researcher will participate in the workshop´s round table discussion.
31 October 2017

UNU-GEST leads a panel at Þjóðarspegillinn Social Sciences Conference

The panel "International Development in Transition: Critical Perspectives" will be held in Þjóðarspegillinn Social Sciences Conference organised by the Social Science Research Institute (SSRI) of the University of Iceland on the 3rd of November 2017. Dr. Pétur Waldorff and Erla Hlín Hjálmarsdóttir from UNU-GEST will participate in the panel.
27 October 2017

Ray Hilborn: Status of Fish Stocks

Recording of UNU-FTP 2017 guest lecture, by Ray Hilborn, Status of Fish Stocks, is now ready online.
26 October 2017

United Nations for 72 years

October 24th every year is UN day – it marks the anniversary of the entry into force in 1945 of the UN Charter, 72 years ago. On this occasion it is appropriate to reflect a little on how it came into being and the connection of the UNU-FTP program to the UN University.
19 October 2017

UNU-GEST at Women's Economic Forum

UNU-GEST lends its voice to the Women’s Economic Forum in Reykjavik, on the 19th and 20th of October, 2017. Dr. Giti Chandra, Affiliated Scholar at UNU-GEST, speaks on “Women’s Bodies: The Breaking and Unbreaking of the World”, while Erla Hlin Hjalmarsdottir presents on “Educational Approach For Enhancing Women’s Economic Engagement: The Case of UNU-GEST”, on the panel “Women’s Workforce: New Models for Engagement”.