Working with Men and Boys to Strengthen Violence Against Women Prevention and Response in Cameroon

Author(s): Cyril Etumboh Nguh
Final project
Year of publication:
Gender Based Violence, Men, Boys and Masculinities


The knowledge deficit amongst men and boys on VAW prevention and response put them in a position where they complete lack the capacity to respond and prevent VAW or are perpetrators of VAW. This project brings to light various reasons for this deficit in knowledge by highlighting that, cultural and religious beliefs, failure of VAW response and prevention mechanisms, armed conflicts and terror attacks, laws that enable VAW, institutions that neglect to respond to VAW and the failure of current initiatives to work with men and boys are wholly responsible.

This project observes shockingly that, institutions along VAW refferal pathways such as law enforcement agencies and the judiciary are mostly dominated by men. Men in these institutions often lack the requisite capacity and interest to respond to VAW. 

It is for these reasons that it has become paramount to work with men and boys to strengthen response and prevention systems. This intervention target men both at individual and institutional levels. The aim of this is to enable alternative systems to be put in place where official response and prevention systems have failed, to strengthen these systems where they are available so the can adequately and efficiently respond to and prevent VAW and to transform negative masculine traits to positive traits