Title: Socio-Economic Impacts of COVID-19 Pandemic on Rural Clean Energy: Women Entrepreneurs in Nigeria

Author(s): Chinenye Anekwe
Other reports
Year of publication:
Women's Empowerment, Gender and Environment
Number of pages:
Clean energy, rural women, entrepreneurs, COVID-19


This study employed a mixed-method design. A quantitative method was used in analysing secondary datasets on responses collected from consenting clean energy women entrepreneurs, examining the concern and effects of COVID-19 on the clean energy business. Moreover, a qualitative method was used to collect and analyse semi-structured interviews with eight rural women clean energy entrepreneurs, in addition to two business mentors for validating findings.

Results showed that most of the women had very restricted access to financial sources during the heat of the pandemic. In addition, the sales of clean energy products were severely affected due to movement restrictions and the prohibition of large gatherings which were platforms for sales for the women. This affected the income of the women and subsequently their livelihood and mental health. Some reported that the stress of the pandemic on their businesses put some level of strain in their family relationships which consequently impacted their self-esteem negatively. Most of the women also had no access to relief support during the pandemic hence becoming more vulnerable due to the pandemic.

This study reveals the experiences of rural clean energy women entrepreneurs (women living in rural communities, who run clean energy enterprises) during the pandemic COVID-19. To protect the gains made so far in the clean energy sector, interventions like provision of funds for start-up and working capital, training on online-based business models, as well as bridging the gender technology gaps for the Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) women in the energy sector need to be considered.

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